Price: $20,900.00
- Make: Case IH
- Model: 3020-30
- Year: 2011
- Stock #: 132075
- Serial #: YBZL56678
- Type: Header Grain
- Phone: (660) 584-3250
- Location:
- 2810 Hwy 13
- Higginsville, MO 64037
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Request Details
"*" indicates required fields
Width in Feet:30
Field Tracker/Contour Master:Yes
Automatic Header Height Control:Yes
Poly Skids:Yes
Dealer Disclaimer: Crown Power Equipment used inventory pricing, hours, specifications and options shown are based on the original appraisal of the unit. If we discover a mistake prior to a signed sales order being executed, we reserve the right to correct said pricing, specifications, or options. Price excludes delivery, modifications, or any applicable taxes.